Sunday, January 24, 2010

Schmidty Weekly

January 17-23

Sunday: 3 rnds of 1-minute intervals:

20lb wall ball 26 29 23
85lb sumo dead lift 16 12 13
20’ Box Jump 17 12 11
85lb push press 10 9 7
Inclined pushup 10 9 14
Rest - - -

Full Court Basketball (4 games)

Monday: Bike 2:19 (34.4 miles/ 14.8 avg.). 5rnds - Dead lift 125 lbs 3reps to bicep curl 25lbs-15 reps.

Tuesday: Off

Wednesday: “45Minutes of Hell” – 5 rnds/1 minute intervals:

20 lb med ball arm circles 34 30 18 18 15
25 lb cowbell swings 19 17 20 17 14
20 lb med ball arm twists 26 23 25 17 18
20 lb med ball sit-ups 20 20 21 16 12
20 lb med ball leg/arm crunches 27 25 25 21 16
20 lb med ball seated balance twists 17 15 13 10 9
20 lb med ball flat to stand-ups 6 4 4 2 0
20’ step ups 26 24 20 20 20
Rest - - - - -

Thursday: 50 Burpees

Friday: 3 mile run (30:19)

Saturday: Bike 2:12 (37.92 miles/ 17.2 avg.)

The constant rain has been a set back to the hours I should be logging on the bike. However, I am in my third week of Cross-fit and I am starting to see a big difference in my overall strength and core development. I have added another piece to my mental training and my son Cole has decided to start joining me at the gym as my coach. He times and records my results so that I can power through the workouts with very little delay in exercises. I think he gets a kick out of pushing me and seeing me suffer. Trying desperately not to look like a wimp in front of my son is pretty motivating and pushes me through some tough sets.

I know the clearer sky’s are on the way and my cycling hours will go up. My first race is slated for March 13th in Louisville. It is a circuit race at Long Run Park. I have plenty of days to log saddle hours. In addition, Karl mentioned something about coming to Texas to do the 2010 100 mile Red Poppy Ride in April. I talked w/ the family and we are considering making it a family trip. Perhaps we could all plan w/ Karl and make this a calendar item for the group?

Sounds like everyone in the group is staying focused and working hard. I appreciate the positive energy this group provides. Keep up the great efforts.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead

1 comment:

CBacon said...

Dude, what a great report and I am so excited for Cole's involvement in your training...your focus is paying off in strength as your regimin is tough...keep that up, I'll need you to back me up when I start some fights after our next race together