Sunday, January 17, 2010

Schmidty Weekly

January 10-16

Sun: 5 consecutive full court basketball games. Crossfit: 7 rnds of Clean to Push Jerk (65lbs – 10 reps)

Mon: Off

Tue: 1:22 Bike (trainer)

Wed: 1:00 Bike (trainer). Crossfit: Burnouts/5 sets for time - Bench-press (125lbs) 13,8,6,4,5. Alternating Latpull-downs (100lbs) 25,20,12,10,11. Total time 14:43.

Thur: Nothing

Fri: 2:22 Bike-40 mls (first outdoor ride of 2010)

Sat: 1:23 Bike-21.2 mls. Crossfit: 3 sets of Air-squats to pushup. (60seconds – air-squat = pushups) Results: 34-26/38-22/40-20.

It was a crazy week with work and family. I was away on business for all of Monday and Tuesday for our Presidents Cabinet retreat. I was also surprised with the addition of a new family member to our home when I arrived on Tuesday, a 7.4lb, 4month old Snauzer/poodle mix puppy. His name is Razor. Needless to say that has our family routine a little upside down. I like how the family slipped it in on me while I was away. Good things I love dogs, even though I am sure Razor does not qualify as one. Then on Thursday we had spring registration at the College so I had a long work day and did not get home until 8:45.

Considering the craziness of the week I was surprised with how I am feeling. I think two weeks into the cross fit thing is starting to help. I believe it will pay dividends in a sprint finish, or on hill climbs. The first two days out on my road bike felt awesome, we picked some crazy routes just to shock the system, long climbs, sprints for county lines and just attack after attack. It felt great to be outside.

I spent a lot of time thinking about Karl’s comments from last week. I do not yet have one or two specific races I am planning for. My goal is to do a couple of 5k’s, and to try and complete as much of the Kentucky/Indiana Training Bike Series races as I can do, then some other Southern Indiana, and Tenessee bike races. Ultimately like Karl, I am trying to find events that Cole and Becca can come to and support, participate and have fun with. I want to share with them this lifestyle and hopefully they choose to participate and live healthy lives as well. At the minimum I would like them there for support and to have fun. Karl, if you find some cool centuries and want a partner give me a call. It may be a great excuse for a family road trip.

I am enjoying the accountability of the blog. More than once I have thought that if I missed a workout my brothers would be on me. Keep up the good work fellas.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always called this an "accountability" blog, so I was pleased to see your last line.
Keep up the GREAT work!