Saturday, January 2, 2010

Commitment to posting

Sunday: Off
Mon: 1:38 Bike (16.1mph) very cold out!
Tue: 30 Min. Run
Wed: -------------
Thur: 30 Min. Run
Fri: 30 Min Run, 3 sets weight training and cross fitness workout
Sat: Cross fit- (3 sets) 30 pushups, 40 sit-ups, 50 squats.

The bitter cold weather forced me off my bike and I had to adjust and just put together some of the easy runs and workouts I have listed. I hate running (no offense to the runners) but I have committed to getting in 5k shape so I have been running for time 3-4 days a week.

Since joining the blog I have just watched most of the year because I was unsure of the kind of commitment I could make. A year ago January 4th I started my doctorate and I was afraid I could not balance my family, cycling, work, and research. A year later I have 21 hours of doctorate work under my belt, and I officially logged 4,763 actual road miles in 2009. I am confident I can be more focused and take on a few more challenges. I have started to lay out the dates for the KY/IN cycling road/criterium racing calendar and have the support of my family to make as many of those events as I can. I will make adjustments as my graduate work and work priorities dictate. So I will try to be as loyal as all of you have been in posting the good the bad and the ugly.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead



CBacon said...

Dog...super proud of your running and your commitment to posting. Your commitment to the doctorate in conjunction with all of it is even more awesome; however you'll always be the 2nd guy with a doctorate in Team Topper Tri.... I have been the Doctor of Love for quite some time.


Anonymous said...

Schmidt Dog, great to have you on board. You'll be a wonderful addition to the blog and we are proud to have you posting this year. Look forward to being part of your journey physically and academically. It will be cool to have a DR. in TTT.