Sunday, January 31, 2010

Schmidty Weekly

January 24-30

Sunday: Cross-fit – Alternate exercises - Dead lift 225lbs. (Reps-15-12-9-6-3) to Lat Pull-Down 100lbs. (Reps- 50-40-30-20-10). 3on3 basketball 1.5 hours.

Monday: Cross-fit – 5rnds for time: 100lbs Rows (20reps), 135lbs Thrusters (7reps) last 2 sets had to drop weight to 105lbs, 21”Box jump (20 reps). Time: 37:23.

Tuesday: Cross-fit - 5rnds – 1minute intervals: Air Squat (36, 30, 27, 25, 25), Bench Press 100 lbs. (18, 16, 15, 10, 10), 20 lbs. Alt Bicep Curl (25, 18, 17, 16, 15).

Wednesday: Off

Thursday: 2.5 mile run (24:23), Cross-fit - 7rnds: 225 lbs Squat (1 rep), 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups.

Friday: Cross-fit – 10 minute Handstand Push-ups (13), 5 minute Air Squats (106), 2 minute Pull-ups (24). 1 minute Push-ups (32).
Note: I can’t do a handstand push-up (yet) but Cross-fit recommends doing headstands. I held a head stand 13 times during the 10 minutes. My neck, forearms, and core were blasted. Every time I lost balance and fell I took a deep breath, shook out my arms and tried again. I also had to use an assisted method for the pull-ups. I suck at those.

Saturday: 30 minute Spinner endurance workout. Cross-fit: 7rnds – 95lbs Power Snatch, 45lbs Snatch Balance, and 95 lbs Overhead Squat. Had to adjust the weight on Snatch balance, I had no spotter and was falling all over. Only completed 6rnds, I was toast and ripped two holes in my hand the size of nickels.

The weather is absolutely sucking for cycling and for getting in my hours. It has thrown off my time table, but I have been doing that part of it long enough to know I have a solid base. I will just have to dig a little deeper when the first few races hit. I’m sticking with Cross-fit and it is killing me. Last week I said I thought I was getting the hang of it, and then this week they just killed me. I haven’t felt my legs, neck and shoulders all week. I feel great, I know that is sick, but I believe it is making me stronger. I am learning to make adjustment within the cross-fit workouts so that I get a full experience. There are just some exercises I cannot do yet, or they require some equipment that I do not have access to. I am still enjoying it, I am anxious to see what a difference it makes in my core strength down the road.

The coolest thing to happen this week is that on Saturday I got to ride on a brand new Spinner bike, complete with the video interactive trainer, then I got to ride a brand new elliptical machine for another 30 minutes, and then swim for 20 minutes. Several of us at the College were asked to try out the new 74K square foot health and wellness center we built on campus. The College received full occupancy late Friday afternoon. I cannot begin to tell you how awesome this is for our community and for my family. So many of us at the College have been consumed with this project for many years, I know far too much about the design, the equipment, and the budget. It has been a labor intensive project, but we are just a week from opening it up full time to our students, our families, and the community. President Luckey has made family memberships available to all employees at no charge, this is simply awesome. I am looking forward to making this facility part of my family’s life, and invite anyone of my TTT brothers to be my guest if you are in town. Check out the link I have attached and follow the progress up to last week.

I am feeling great and getting stronger, I can’t wait till we can all come together in some kind of an event or adventure. I continue to feel the power of this fraternity and appreciate the support. Stay motivated.

L3-Live, Learn, Lead


CBacon said...

man, another great report...including the failures! I stink at the pull ups too and would also the headstand pushups! That cross fit is paying off...proud of you for blasting it and sticking with it through the pain....head to the pain cave baby... Can't wait to visit again and try out the new fact, I want to get up sooner than later..maybe with the family..let's look at a Fri/Sat in Feb or March..

CBacon said...
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