Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bacon Weekly

Mon- 800 m FS
Tues- 3 miles@ 30 min (t-mill) and 500 m swim drills
Wed- 4 miles@ 40 min (indoor track)
Thur- 4 miles@ 40 min (indoor track)
Fri- off
Sat- 3 miles @ 30 min (indoor track)
Sun- 6 miles @ 60 min @ 155 BPM (24 degrees, Sunny)

A great first week of marathon training is in the books and other than being hindered by the weather...all was good. The program calls the easy runs at a slower place than I am comfortable, so they are falling somehere in the 9:30-10:00 avg range. I trained for the 1/2 marathon last year at 8:30, but as I should...I'll trust the plan and keep it slow. I'm quite sure I won't be complaining when I reach the 12+ mile training runs:) This was the first week at the new gym and pool and also a bonus workout session with the aquatics instrcutor. She was more than helpful and gave me 3 drills to focus on the 2 biggest needs at the moment and that's kick positioning and stroke....I'm still pulling myslef through the water with my arms and not getting the streamline I need to conserve energy...also my current kick isn't aiding the rotation of my hips and therefore no power transfer. Had a really tough weather week here in Kentucky.....2-3 inches of snow and 8 degree temps made it all more difficult. Today's outside run was probably a mistake temp wise, but the sun lured me out...took about 3 miles to really warm up and some of my routes still had ice and snow on them, plus a bridge I cross had no shoulder cause the ice, so crossing was scketchy ...wont cross again in these conditions...pretty scary... I'm out. Bacon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Outstanding first week! Way to keep it going and stay committed, despite the weather.
Believe me, there really is something to the whole "go slow to go fast" saying. Do your speed days FAST but do those long runs slow. You'll be amazed at how much faster your "slow" gets over time.
Look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Maybe we can get out for a run. Later!