Monday, November 24, 2008

Bacon Weekly

Mon- 30 min run

Tuesday- Arms, shoulders

Wednesday- Off

Thursday-3/90 hill repeats and 4X5 intervals

Friday- Chest, back, abs

Saturday- Off

Sunday- 2oo8 Turkey Run (5 miler) 41:09
Had a great workout week, but a less than desired run on Sunday....just couldn't get in the groove....had another deer camp this weekend, so I got little sleep, and felt generally pretty crappy, but still wnated to do the race....the course was brutal...hills galore...nice sunny 52 degree day though.....flu-like symptoms this morn, so was far less than 100% yesterday, but still glad I showed up and got off the sidelines..... Jingle Bell run 5k in a week or so...hope to feel better so I can run....


DinoBravo said...

Nice....... no off season for you, hell keep running til it snows and then do a 10K snowballer or something..... Give it hell


Anonymous said...

Way to go Bacon! 41 for 5 miles...pretty damn good brother! Don't seem to sick to me running 8 min. pace! Kia Kaha!