Saturday, November 1, 2008

Off-Season Training

For those of us not training for A races of any kind, here is some advice from Coach Troy on what to do during the off-season.   
Hello and thank you for receiving our e-news updates. I hope you are training smart, having fun and getting results!

As we get into the month of November, your training focus shifts to 'post season' training and you should be incorporating strength and technique work into your program. Maintaining a moderate level of fitness is key as you don't want to have to start back from 'ground zero', but allowing for a little bit of fitness decline (or deconditioning) is ok. Slow things down now and do lots of work in that aerobic energy zone (Zone 2 or 10-15 bpm below AT). In the swim, don't worry about cranking out the yards but rather - focus on improving your glide and reducing your strokes per length to improve efficiency. On the run - work on your posture, focus on more of a mid-foot strike and try to get your stride frequency up with 'quick' steps.  On the bike - keep that cadence slightly higher than usual, in the 90-100rpm range - thinking about pedaling fluid and fast circles. Slowing things down at this time of year and focusing on these technique details will greatly lend to boosting your efficiency.

For strength training, get to the health club and enlist the help of a trainer who knows a thing or two about working with endurance athletes.  If you prefer to workout at home, check out one of our strength training workout DVDs listed below. Don't forget to enter your coupon code to receive your discount too.

Remember - slow it down now and focus on your strength and technique for greater efficiency. Laying the foundation of technique and strength now will improve your speed at a lower energy cost in 2009!

Train safe and Train Smart,
Coach Troy

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