Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Transformation


this is an email I sent out a month ago....... somehow I don't think you guys received it....You've already seen the pictures this past weekend....... Just wanted you guys to receive the gesture of gratitude from me....... thanks again


To All:

The intent of this email is to thank all of you that have helped with my transformation in the past couple of years. This email is in no way a boast of my accomplishments, rather a gesture of graditude to all for your support. 2 years ago, I made goals for myself to get better....... A better state of health that included the mind, the body, and the soul. I was definately broke in all those areas. I was out of shape...I was frustrated and an angry man....... I was not in a good place. Sunday, I reflected back on what was then and what is now. I have attached some amazing photos of me 2 years ago and some that I took this past sunday (after a good workout and a little dehydrated)........ These pictures are really shocking to me and probably to you also. These pictures represent my physical form only. In this area, I have met my goals...... Could always fine tune those goals, but am quite content with my results. Now, If you could turn that body inside out and look inwards........well, there are improvements inside that are comparable to the outside. I'm a much happier person....... filled with joy, peace, grattitude, self-control, and love. My mind is sharper and my soul is at peace. I have discovered my inner being and my spirit guides....... I look at my religion with new eyes from many different perspectives... I am not talking perfection here....... I still have room for much improvements and will continue my journey........A journey that is increasingly difficult, but one that I'm ready to conquer. I'm improving each day and today I celebrate. And once again, this email is not to brag, rather give thanks to all that have helped during these times. Thanks for the recommended books, DVDs, magazines.......Thanks for the phone calls.........Thanks for the emails.....Thanks for the road trips.......Thanks for showing me love, peace, and graditude........Thanks for introducing me to new things.....Thanks for the lessons in endurance......Thanks for working out with me......Thanks for buying me a beer........ Thanks for the sushi, talipia, hot wings, or introducing me to the farmers market........Thanks for being patient.......Thanks for being understanding......Thanks for letting me emulate you.....Thanks for loving me..... and most importantly Thanks for bringing me out of the drags of depression........There are so many other people to thank but I don't have their emails........ But simply "Thank you" to each and all......... You may respond to this email if you wish.... I need no affirmations or "atta boys"....... but, I would read your responses and take kindly to them........ good or bad........


Dennis "Dino Bravo" Bishop


Anonymous said...

This needed to be up on the blog.

DinoBravo said...

thanks dude.... I appreciate your efforts greatly