Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back to Class

Sunday: Bike- TM:41:59/DST:10.64/AVG:15.2
Monday: Bike- TM:4:49:31/DST:86.11/AVG:17.8
Tuesday: Bike- TM:56:58/DST:12.95/AVG:13.6
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Crossfit at HWC. Bike- TM:1:50:41/DST:30.12/AVG:16.3
Friday: Crossfit at HWC
Saturday: 30 minute run in Bowling Green

Body Fat: 26.3%
BMI: 32.6

So much going on this week. I started my toughest semester of doctoral work. I have two required courses this semester; the first is Measurements and Validity in Research, the other is Educational Leadership. I also have an elective course that starts in October that covers Leading Change in Organizations. I addition to all that I am completing 9 hours of a practicum. It is alot, and I am sure I have chewed off way more than I can handle but I feel so close. Completing all this gets me to the spring, with only one final required course to take, my comps, and then I can begin my dissertation. You have no idea how great it feels to articulate this. The support I get from you guys, my family and friends, Dr. Speer, Dean Adams, and Dr. Luckey make it possible for me to find the strength to get this done. This doctorate is currently my "ironman", I am training everyday to try and make it to the finish. I am blessed to have so many great positive people around me that provide the support that keeps my sanity. Bacon, your hook up in BG helps me out so much and makes life that much more convenient for me to get stuff done. Thank you all.

I got in one incredible ride on Monday. With my ipod in I just rolled out by my self and kept going and going. It was awesome, 86 miles later I arrived at home and felt like a million dollars. The rest of the week was filled with maintenance and recovery activities.

Spent all day Friday and Saturday in class down in BG. Unfortunately missed Cole's first soccer win of the season. But Becca has been great about texting me up to the minute details. Also, LWC in only it's second football game in 75 years pulled off the big victory with a 43-3 win at home in front of a capacity crowd. Again, I was getting some great updates from friends while sitting in class.

The sun is shinning, it's a beautiful day, I hope you all have a great week!

L3- Live, Learn, and Lead


DinoBravo said...

you da man... wow, sounds like one of my schedules yet in different ways. I'm your biggest fan with all those activities going on. I truly understand missing out on important soccer games and or big football games. Its tough, but your doing great with the balancing act. When it gets tough, dont forget about that bike or a slow, easy jog... You may write the biggest part of your dissertation from the seat of a bike. Carry a mic and recorder... It is through exercise that I think most clearly..... good luck and I'm routing for you! Go kid Go

Unknown said...

It's short-term (comparatively) pain for the long-term gain. Dr. Schmidt is going to sound pretty damn good. Hell, I look forward to working for you when you become president somewhere. Think of me. Just know I don't come cheap!
Keep up the great work! Real proud of you!