Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Weekly Update- Karl

Sorry for the late post.
Mon-Friday Work and family
Saturday 30 mile bike ride with friends. Had everything from a beginner to a guy who did a cancer fundraising ride from Austin to Alaska!!! Our little 30 miler was barely enough for him to warm up.
Sunday 30 minute run at 1:30 pm in 96 degree heat. Took a bottle of water with me and it was hot within the first 15 minutes. I was still sweating for an HOUR after my shower!
Jennifer and I bought the 4th season of Dexter on DVD. Been staying up late all week to watch that with her. (Late for me is past 10pm). We love us some Dexter.
The kids are back at full steam in school. Jenn picks Karlie up at 6 from after-school, I get home around 6:15, we have dinner at 6:30, homework begins at 7, kids go to bed at 9, we watch Dexter until 10, go to bed, wake up at 5:15 and start all over again. Good times!
Jennifer was promoted to COO of her facility earlier in the year and she's now in CEO training.
Please make sure you are following the Team Topper Tri page on Facebook and share it with your friends. All our posts go on there in addition to some great training content from my Twitter feed.
Schmidt Dog is the only one who commented on my post to change the Team Topper Tri blog name. Please let us know if you have ideas.
Keep up the great work, men.
Kia Kaha!

1 comment:

DinoBravo said...

sounds like life to me... good to know I'm not the only one with a rigerous schedule... I think we are a generation of busy people... maybe that's why all the tech gadgets exist... to buy us time and save us energy... Bacon has some great new ideas for the new blog name.... a little bizare, but I like his style.... "velvet hammers" awesome.... and the Barbarian one is pretty cool too... any on the list is catching and would work for me.... I'll go to the printing press for t-shirts after a conclusion is made.