Monday, September 22, 2008

Race Preps

Plenty of water all week........ like the 1/2 cup yogurt with 1/2 cup dry oats mix with strawberry fruit spread and nuts........ peanut butter - bananna on wheat bread....... and chochalote soy milk are my favorites........plenty of carbs (noodles or whatever I can get)...... breakfast is key for me.... oats, toast, peanut butter, jelly, coffee......... (at least 2 hrs. prior) then a gu and some sport beans before start and a G2 gatorade........ Also, a blow job the night before calms me and makes me sleep better............ Who's got Booty duty for the BDB 100?



BigDaddy said...

Since BigHead can't make it, we may have to flip a coin to see who makes sure Dino Bravo is calm, rested, & ready!

Anonymous said...

My last trip to LR, I saw a homeless woman with no teeth. Tell Dino she's somewhere between the Clinton Library and the Peabody Hotel.