Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Fueling During Workouts

Fueling During Workouts



Tips and Suggestions


·        A good rule of thumb for workouts lasting longer than one hour you should try to drink 20-24 ounces per hour of a sports recovery drink and see how this affects your body. Spread your drinking out per mile or every 15 minutes. You can adjust up or down depending on how your body responds.

·        Try and ingest between 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour of exercise. (60 grams is only 240 calories!)

·        Most sport drinks are 4 to 8% simple carbohydrates (sugars), sodium and various electrolytes and water. Many people need more sodium than provided by a sports drink. Try ingesting pretzels or chips to add salt.

·        De-fizzed cola is a good source of sugar and calories. But BE CAREFUL! Caffeine is a diuretic, so it draws fluid out of your system. Make sure you drink coke with water either during or for pre-workout fueling.

·        Try to replace two-thirds of fluid loss during a workout. Trying to get it all back can lead to bloating and decreased performance due to GI distress.

·        For a marathon or two+-hour workout, try and ingest between 100-300 calories and build the next hour.

·        Suck on candy the entire race or workout.


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