Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Funny Story- Bacon

forgot to tell this story on my weekly....my long run Sunday was injected with a bit of humor....in comes this lady maybe 55 years old...gets on the treadmill....sets 2 cans of diet red bull in her water coasters....jacks up the treadmill to an unbelievable incline, so high that she has to hold on to the top of it with both hands or she'll fall off backwards.....and walks about a less than average pace for about 30 minutes.....in that 30 min...kills both bulls...get's of the tread....does 1 set of lat pulldowns and flys out...literally.... Hope her heart did not explode on the way home.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Reminds me of protein shake boy in Columbia.