Sunday, December 28, 2008

Near Catastrophic injury

A little humor:

2 of the kids got "Rip Sticks" for x-mas... A cross between a skateboard and surfboard on 2 wheels.... It takes a little coordination and skill to stay up on the boards... Well, after about 30 minutes of practice, Dino got a little brave and challenged a huge hill at my house. All was well for the first few yards and speed began to pick make a long story short, Rolled it over 3 times on the asphalt. Injuries sustained to left elbow, left hip, left knee, and right hand....Ripped a nice leather jacket all to hell (total loss)..... Kids had a great laugh at an old man "Givin it Hell".........



CBacon said...

glad I have ripsticks; however as I write she's playing Hannah Montana Wii game, so that's close to a crash for me:)

Anonymous said...

I think Lexie got a Ripstick. Need to make sure Mark sees your story.
Way to give it hell! Sorry about the leather jacket.